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repeat log in

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 3

Why do I  have to sign in at regular intervals


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 3

The most common reason for regular sign outs is because the required cookies to ensure you stay signed in are being deleted.


There's a stay signed in tick box on the sign in page and there's also a tick box in Security settings under Security & Privacy, Advanced settings for an Automatic sign out that can be set for between 5 and 30 minutes or Never. Set for an Automatic sign out if you share the device and you'll be prompted prior to sign out but set for Never and it'll keep you signed in until cookies are deleted either by your device, by software on your device, by the user or by a system update.  

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 3

Sign into what?


This forum?

My Account?


Email 3rd party client such as Thunderbird?

As you have posted under Email help I'm assuming it's not TV Apps.


The normal answer is for your own Security and keeping your information private, but if you can clarify where you face this issue, device used and how often etc. then it can be looked into.

Please remember to mark Solved Posts with Best Answer. Doing so helps other customers and saves TalkTalk's Support Team time by only looking at unsolved topics. Thanks, Steve (a fellow customer).