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Broadband help

For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.

Router flashes orange when I walk nowhere near it

First Timer
Private Message
Message 3 of 3

Anytime I walk into the hallway which is 2 rooms away from the router the connection for everyone’s devices gets disconnected causing people to get dropped from games, streams and devices. If the dog gets out of bed it drops, but if you walk near the room where the router is it’s fine, if you stomp your feet inches from it, it’s fine. This has been happening for a year now with no help provided so far. This happens 30+ in a day.


Support Team
Private Message
Message 1 of 3



Can you please update your community profile to include your:

  • Name

  • Telephone number

  • Alternative contact number


We'll then look into this further. Please do not post this information on this thread. Once you've updated your profile please post in your topic to confirm it's updated.






Community Star
Private Message
Message 2 of 3

Hi @Reagan1,


Does the phone line that the router is connected to run near the areas that you are talking about, could you moving in those areas be causing the phone line to be disturbed, just wondered if you maybe had a bad connection or break in the line.


Do you have a landline phone, if so can you hear any cracking / interference on the line that might indicate a damaged wire / bad connection.


For one of the TalkTalk staff on this community to be able to look into this you will need to update your community profile to include your name, landline telephone number that your TalkTalk service is provided on & an alternative contact number. This will allow them to identify you, and they will then be able to help.


Don't post any personal details in this thread, just add them to your community profile.


The staff on this community won't be around until Monday now, so you may get faster support by using the live chat or calling customer services on 0345 172 0088 over the weekend, however the staff here should respond to this topic early next week to help if you are still having issues.